Friday, 15 April 2011

Bunting update!

Apparently 185 trangles are required for 60 metres of bunting, if anyone's interested!

This post is a huge round of applause to Best Girl Emma, who has spent her Easter break (she's a teacher) making our wedding bunting! She even managed to rope her Mum Lois into helping out with the sewing and dashing to the shops for extra ribbon (thank you Lois!). From these pics I can see it looks gorgeous - I can't wait to stick it up around the marquee, it'll look fab with the napkins.

So thank you, thank you, thank you Emma (and Lois!) You will be rewarded with a porky bap and several glasses of champagne. And thanks to Walter the labrador for not running through the hallway with mucky paws when this picture was taken:

And here's the Bunting Queen! Best Girl Emma slaves over a hot sewing machine. Faster, Emma, Faster!

Emma's also our wedding photographer (she proved her skills marvellously at the Hen Do, I still have no idea how she kept a steady hand while Axl was strutting his stuff). So all in all she's been a huge help - so much so, I am thinking of renting her out. Anyone need a Wedding Emma???


  1. A triangle every 40cm (back to back so that makes two triangles).... other people did the maths for me!
    Had a great time doing it, hope it looks good.....
    Every wondered where my OCD tendencies come from.... Lois has tacked all the bunting together so it wont get creased.... I ask you!
    PS Walt was banished outside for fear of messing my triangle plans up!

  2. What a brilliant post! You clever bunny you, the bunting looks fab!!! xxx
