With me being a copywriter and my husband-to-be an extremely talented graphic designer, it would be a poor show if we didn't create our own wedding invites. So we have.
I don't want to give anything away for the recipients, but we've taken inspiration from an artist we both like, whose prints we have scattered about our home. And the colours are very sweet and will set the tone for the day.
So after much meticulous designing and careful arranging of pictures and words, we are in the process of printing. It's a slow process, so thank goodness we only have 50, but hats off to my very clever fiance. They are looking gorgeous. I am really excited!
Before we went to print, Paul had to phone the vicar to confirm the time so we could put it on the invites. I was worried in case he'd forgotten who we were after our rather laid back meeting, but luckily he must have the memory of an elephant because he knew exactly who we were. Which eased my mind about his unique filing system. And it turns out we can choose any time we fancy because we have him at our disposal all day. So that's a big relief. Then my future husband wrapped up the conversation with a witty quip about getting commemorative plates made in the style of a royal wedding. And apparently this was greeted with a tumbleweed style silence. Whoops.
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