Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Wetsuit worries

So I was out for Christmas cocktails in Wimbledon Village with a few of my girlie mates last night. And in between cackling over large glasses of festively flavoured alcoholic beverages, there seemed to be much mirth around the secret hen do plans. I know nothing of what is afoot, but I am aware of an awful lot of planning, plotting and scheming happening via email amongst my hens.

Worryingly, there is also persistent talk of wetsuits, and they are all implying that I will require one for the 'activities'. Now, I am pretty sure this is all a red herring that's been wafted around to throw me off a scent. But, knowing the people involved in all the plotting, a little part of me grows ever more concerned that it is a double bluff and I will indeed have to hoik myself into black lycra so that I can be flung, for whatever reason, into icy waters.

I am getting scared.

1 comment:

  1. The picture says it all Loob!
    The only positive thing is at least I WONT be wearing one!
